16 December 2005

I'm in love with a girl named Fred!

Carol Burnett got very famous when she played Princess Winifred in Once Upon a Mattress, which is one of my very, very favorite musicials. The book is charming and the score by Mary Rodgers (daughter of Richard) is far better than most anything written recently (yes, I mean you, Wicked). Mattress is now a standard of community theaters and had a nice broadway revival with Sarah Jessica Parker in Burnett's role and I find it delightful everytime I have the chance to see it.

Well, I have the chance to see it on Sunday evening because Ms. Burnett an executive producer and is starring as Queen Aggravain in a movie version for television to run on ABC (7PM Eastern). Hoorah, hooray!

Carol said in an interview that Bob Mackie, who did all her wonderful costumes for The Carol Burnett Show designed the costumes, but the IMDB doesn't verify that. But let's just take a moment and remember the best costume he - or anyone - ever designed for a sketch comedy show: The Curtains Dress from "Went with the Wind." I laugh just thinking about it.

So round up the kids, pop the popcorn, and enjoy a classic of American Musical Theater. Of course, I have rehearsal that night, so I'll be taping it......

Oh, and I'd like to note that the next time someone tells an actress that's she's too old to play a role, that person may get reminded that Tracey Ullman, who is playing Princess Winifred, is 45.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once Upon a Mattress is one of my favorites!

Did I miss the details of this year's Christmas bake off at work?