21 June 2007

That's for sure

Liza is a very smart woman who has written a lot of insightful things, but this one definitely is in my top 10 for "many relationships and most of my entire family would be different if we could pound this into our stupid heads and act on it instead of just thinking that it's true."

It is so important to try to find out what is going on in the heads of the people we care about, and telepathy doesn’t work reliably as a source of information.

Yet another reason why it's more important that Liza be able to marry than me.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a small world. I used to work with Liza at the Center for Democracy & Technology back in the early 2000s. Time sure flies.

Leta said...

That's because it's not a small world - it's a teeny-tiny one. I'm often amazed by who knows who.

Anonymous said...

The current population of the earth is composed of two kinds of people... Those who went to high school with Leta and those who know someone who went to high school with Leta.

Anonymous said...

Michael! Did you go to high school with Leta???

I'm coming to visit your web site just as soon as I finish saying, "Thank you, Leta!"

Thank you, Leta! I'm all blushing and stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

'Course I went to high school with "crazy astronaut chick" instead of Leta, so....