14 March 2005

Ratting myself out

In the interests of full disclosure:

Because of some of the blogs I read, I have become a very casual follower of the fortunes of the Illini. And following on my post of earlier today, I am now publicly admitting that until yesterday afternoon I pronounced "Illini" as Ill-ee-nee. I learned from ESPN and Kerry that it's Ill-eye-nye.

And my Mom's favorite: when I was about seven, we were driving somewhere and I asked her what a "ped-es-stray-shun" was. "A what?" "A ped-es-stray-tion. And what's an ex-ing?" After she told me that the word was "peh-des-tree-an" and what it meant and that "ex-ing" meant crossing, I pulled together all the diginity a seven-year-old is heir to and announced that from then on, a person who is walking is a pedestrian, but a person who is crossing the street is a pedestration. (I know, the twee-ness of it all is just overwhelming. Tough.)

And, of course, David clings to the futile hope that I will one day abandon my habit of saying "oh, pshaw!" as "oh, puh-sha!" and start saying "oh, sha!" when in fact the opposite is true. I have spread the "oh, puh-sha!" pronunciation like a virus. Heck, I still sometimes express relief by saying "few!" (spelled phew).

Few! I'm glad I got that off my chest.

1 comment:

david said...

leta -
another i'm confused about is "yeah." now, is that yeah like an affirmation, as in "yeah, i'll come by later and give you a backrub"? or is it yeah like a cheer at a football game? if it's the latter, then phonetically it really ought to be spelled "yay." i've seen it used both ways.

oh, where is dear old william safire when you need him?!