24 February 2005


Yesterday before reheasal I went to the gym, I did my usual (last amount of time + one more minute) on the elliptical trainer, and I did the upper body stuff. Then I headed into the ladies' changing room, kicked off my shoes, and headed to the scale.

Over the last twelve months, I have lost 17 pounds and gained back 7. Since January I've been working on getting rid of the re-found 7, which considering how many donut-related events we have at work, is going about as well as can be expected.

Yesterday was my first workout in a week. I don't go to the gym when I'm sick, which I was on Wednesday, and last Monday I went walking with Kathy instead of to the gym.

Well. I got on the scale and was pleased with what I saw. Not delighted, of course, there's still more work to do. But if one describes my weight last week as a three-digit number with XYZ representing the numbers, what pleased me is that is I am now at X(Y-1)Z. Yep. The center digit has dropped one. I now weigh less than I have for about the past five years.

How do I celebrate this kind of thing? I mean, besides telling anyone with an internet connection who cares to look? I hop on every scale I pass and admire the lowness of the number. We have a scale here at the office, in fact. I may spend the afternoon, just stepping on and off of it.

1 comment:

Casey Jones said...

Way to go, Leet. Fight the power.