22 April 2005

Turns out that the answer is "no"

I sent an e-mail to the 8th floor staff the other day, which I entitled "Is the kitchen *supposed* to smell like that?" wherein I announced that on Monday I am doing a big kitchen purge and anything not clearly labeled with a name and recent date is subject to eviction.

(The first time I sent one of these announcements around I called it "the first annual fall clearance sale" and pointed out that some stuff in the fridge not only predated my move to the 4th floor - I've worked on 6, 4, and now 8 in my nearly six year here - some of it predated my employment with the company.)

So anyway, one of our engineers read the e-mail and suddenly remembered that he had put something in the fridge ......a while ago......was it still there..... ? Sure enough, it was and sure enough, it was the reason the kitchen was getting kinda funky. So (bless him), he dumped out the scary stuff, cleaned the container, and ran the disposal with lots of dish soap. It was a really ugly few minutes in there, but the air seems to be clearing and we'll all be the better for it.

And now I won't need HazMat gear when I do the purge on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Euwwwww. We have a fridge like that at my office. I'm not the one who's going to clean it out. Are you going to Stacey's tonight? I thought I'd come down w/ No1 Son, but she hasn't sent directions. Let me know.

jfgorham AT att DOT net