23 June 2005

A *great* way to spend a few minutes

Go to a blog you like. Click on a link on that person's blogroll.

I am constanly amazed with how much good stuff there is to read on the internet. Lots and lots (and lots and lots) of crap, of course, but some really good stuff. And the easiest way I have found to find the good stuff is to let someone else find it for me and leave me a little "look here" link.


Leta said...

Ahhh. So simple that even I can go do it.
* Go to the dashboard
* open your blog
* click on "template"
* scroll down until you get to the part that says "begin sidebar"
*somewhere between "begin sidebar" and "end sidebar" (I recommend near "end sidebar") type something like "Blogs I like" or "The short list" or whatever and a break which open bracket (<) br close bracket (>) (I'm typing this out because the comments can read the html tags, but you get the idea
* list some blogs you like by typing open bracket a href="url" close bracket the name of the blog open bracket /a close bracket space open bracket br close bracket
* click on "preview" or "save template changes" depending on how brave you are.


Of course, I'm typing this at 1:00 am, so I may have missed something. I love Tech Week. I'm not tired.

David Gorsline said...

You can also use a free service like Blogrolling (http://www.blogrolling.com/) to manage the links. Once you've told Blogrolling what links you want, you get a wodge of HTML and JavaScript to add to your blog template. Then, each time someone views one of your blog pages, the wodge of code pulls down your links from the Blogrolling server and inserts your blogroll into the page. With a service like this, you spend less time messing with code in your blog template. Add more links back at the Blogrolling server, and your blogroll is automatically updated.