17 December 2004

I am getting sleepy ..... very sleepy.....

Today was the in-house office holiday party with honey baked hams and glazed turkey breasts and yummy side dishes that folks brought in. I'm very, very full. It's like Thanksgiving afternoon around here, except that after Thanksgiving dinner we sprawl around and watch tv and hang out, we don't pretend to work. Or in my case, as the Annual Report is in the offing, actually work. I'll file a full report on that later.

But in the mean time I'm fighting the deadly combination of a food-induced coma and the results of getting to bed too late for the last several weeks running. Here's a precis of my schedule for the past several weeks:

Monday. Get up all lark-like at 7:30 and head out to work. Work 8:30 - 5:00 with a cheery disposition and a reasonable amount of focus. Head off to rehearsal. Rehearse 7:30 - 10 or 10:30. Home by 11:30. Pet cat, open mail, futz around, check e-mail and blogs, read in bed for a bit. Fall asleep by 1:00 or so.

Tuesday - Thursday. Lather - rinse - repeat. Only a lot less lark-like.

Friday. Do something with David. Tonight we're seeing Closer.

Saturday. Rehearsal from 10-4. Sit in a theater in the evening. Tomorrow I'm seeing A Christmas Carol with Gaye.

Sunday. Collapse. Cram one week of household chores into one afternoon. Get a decent night's sleep.

My office in Silver Spring is 24 miles from the rehearsal hall in Shirlington, but I use the beltway to get there. Lately it has been so thoughly backed up that - and I am not making this up - I can put the car in neutral and coast from Old Georgetown Road to the George Washington Parkway. It takes 90 minues to go those 24 miles and 30 of those minutes are the 2.5 miles from the 270 spur to the Parkway. Why, yes, that does mean that my overall average speed is 16 mph. Imagine my joy.

Fortunately, I am a very non-agressive driver who is willing to let others in and can happily listen to NPR or music and remain mostly calm. Especially now that I've burned the most recent mix CD and I can playtest it. So no road rage in my car. But considering how underslept I am, road napping is becoming frighteningly possible. It's not an issue on the way home because I'm all jazzed from rehearsal and I can zip along at 65 (or 70, yeah, sometimes) instead of 8 mph.

And of course, the real problem is that I'm jazzed enough by the time I get home that I can't just fall into bed at 11:28 and nod off. Hence the puttering activities described above. But I'm starting to notice the toll this is taking on me. I'm not moody and short-tempered, but I'm losing focus and getting forgetful. I need a good night's sleep. Actually I need several in a row.

Our office is closed from Christmas Eve to January 3 and we're rehearsal-free, so I may spend large chunks of that time unconscious.

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