23 September 2004

My Blogosphere

Now that I have a blog, I've - not surprisingly - become much more interested in other's people's blogs. I check in with David's a couple of times a day (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/nouveau/blog/) (I know, I know, it's not a real link, yeah, I know); I check Paul's ditto (http://thesunkeepsrising.blogspot.com/); and just by mousing around I've found a lot of blogs written by 14 - 17 year olds. Some have kept my attention, most don't.

There's a young lady in Canada named Alleah (http://pintoisfun.blogspot.com/), who is smart and funny and is working on a production of Bye-Bye, Birdie so her blog is a jumble of what she did with her friends, how rehearsal is going, who said what to whom, who said what about whom. Not to mention her (new?) boyfriend. Kind of like Jane Austen without the honorifics. Sam (http://nacho-elf.blogspot.com/) is a very tired high school student in Cleveland. I thought my schedule was a bit too crowded, but Sam's totally got me beat. I am impressed.

Shauna (http://writingmyheartout.blogspot.com/) is a Buddhist and teaches creative writing to high school students. She loves to write, especially about the little things that make up her life. She loves teaching, she really likes her students, she walks to work, and is an active participant and observer in her own life.

And Cooking for Engineers (http://www.cookingforengineers.com/) is just plain fun. I work with engineers and they are bright, interesting, and - often - deeply weird people. I believe that there is a name for the sort of chart that Michael uses - and I'm convinced that David told me what it is - but I can't remember it off-hand. But ya gotta check it out.

So when I get in at night, I check my mail, I look to see if I have any comments on this blog (I've really enjoyed the ones I've gotten so far), and then I do a blog stroll. I open the "favorites" list and click away, catching up on what's going on with some folks I've never met and some old pals.

Oh, yipes. It's midnight. Time for bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Cooking for Engineers diagrams resemble Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams in some respects. N-S charts are vertically oriented, and are intended to model sequential, iterative logic; while the C4E pictures horizontally suggest the ordered combination and processing of ingredients. Actually, it's hard to discover the diagramming system that underlies C4E's recipe summaries.

N-S diagramming, a tool for graphically representing structured programs, probably isn't used outside of CS 101 courses any more.
